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3 Reasons Basketball Players Make Good Defensive Backs

By Sammy Joseph

What if LeBron James decided to play football, would he be as great of a player? The answer is YES!!!

Defensive Backs benefit the most from having a basketball background.

Even Rex Ryan with the Buffalo Bills would welcome LeBron in with welcoming arms. He told “That big ‘ole rascal can play tight end for us if he wants to,” Ryan said, regarding James. “I think it would work out well.”

My college teammates, Ronnie Prude and Corey Webster, both were high school point guards. Talking with both, agreed that their hoop dreams enhance their defensive backs skills.

Heres 3 reasons why open gym is a great idea this summer.

1) Basketball players are always using a form of press technique. If you watch any player in the NBA (not James Harden, sorry Houston!) they are low, squared, moving their feet on the court, exact movements when you are in on a island in the press man.

2) Having good eyes and awareness are a must playing basketball and defensive back. During the NBA playoffs, you see players trying to deny Steph Curry the ball and playing to their help. Playing in the secondary is no different! Control your eyes.  Watch for double moves. Know where your safety help is. Same rules apply!

3) Timing and adjusting to the deep ball is important playing defensive back. When you go to open gym, don’t just stay behind the three point line and throw up bricks, get in the paint and rebound. Work on jumping and catching the ball at its highest point.

Basketball translates well to all positions on the field, where closing angles, playing in space, and improvising are in high demand.

So this summer, unleash your inner Kobe, even dress like him, if that helps.

Great players always find ways to improve their game, find a gym and ball out!

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