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High School

3A Division I Playoffs- Picking the State Semifinals

Photo via Kristen Taylor,

Region I v Region II

Wall – I

Mineola – III

Advantage: Mineola, three votes to one

Reasoning: Mineola has scored a whopping one point more than Wall has all year, so the offenses are you can say pretty even. The difference is in the defenses, with Mineola getting the advantage their. Wall did upset Brock, but Mineola just rolled Pottsboro.

Region III v Region IV

Malakoff – IIII


Advantage: Malakoff, four votes to none

Reasoning: You don’t make it a game away from playing for the state title, and Yoakum is a good team but all signs point to Malakoff. Both teams did have tough games last week, Malakoff won by 3 and Yoakum won by 4, so that could be some foreshadowing for one team.

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8 years ago

Who would you pick if it where Brock instead of Wall in the matchup with Mineola?

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