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Ja-Mar Roofing & Sheet Metal - Providing Affordable Roof Repair & Replacement Solutions in Texas Since 1970

About Us

A deep love for football and the Texans who make the sport so great is the genesis that lets us bring the sport to life through Web, social, print and broadcast media. We are the single source for a convergence of stories and stats that provide insight into the personal passion of players, coaches, teams, schools and cities, and the culture that has an unquenchable thirst for everything the pigskin touches.

We begin in high school, but follow the players and their stories through their college and professional careers. Along the way, we uncover the stories behind the games, the pursuits of perfecting and protecting the sport, and the commentaries and trends that portray the future sport stars of a nation. We are the adrenaline source for each fan and the central source that brings them all together in competition, in camaraderie and in a collective love for the sport. We know that when a Texan loves football, it’s a love for a lifetime.

Joseph Nguyen/TexasHSFootball

Roof Replacement and Roof Repair by Ja-Mar Roofing & Sheet Metal