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Basketball Scores During Football Season: Where Art Thou Defense?

Photo by
Garrett Caywood @polo__garre
September 22, 2016

There have been 119 games this season that have resulted in the team’s scoring in excess of 100 points. That’s not a typo. If you’re a defensive coordinator, look away. From 1A to 6A there have been score lines that would look more appropriate on a basketball scoreboard.

Just four weeks through the season, we have seen scores like: 100-88, 99-65, 95-70, 94-70, 91-71, 78-64, 64-60, 69-54, 77-76 and 59-41.

Granted, most of the scores totaling over 100 points were in 1A (six-man) but it’s still borderline ridiculous at how many points these offenses are putting up.

So that leaves two questions. Is the offense that good? Or is the defense that bad?

It appears to be an even mixture of both. It’s no surprise that high school teams can light up the scoreboard with the growth and development of the spread offense, but 100 points? That’s almost a fire-able offense.

Don’t be fooled either. It’s not just the six-man teams putting up these ridiculous scores. It’s happening in all spectrums of Texas high school football.

Levelland lost 77-76 to Andrews in a 153-point thriller in 4A. Then in 5A, Aledo beat Mansfield Legacy 59-41. In 6A, Lufkin fell to Parkway by a score of 69-54.

I repeat: defensive coordinators look away.

It would be a safe bet to say that there will be (a lot) more games this season that come close to the 100-point threshold. You ask why that’s important. Because fans love offense and the culture of football has changed drastically from its heyday. Now, coaches have modified and improved the passing game so extensively that it’s hard to imagine these scores ever decreasing. Since most high school coaches are aiming to groom their players into college athletes the scores will likely increase. The spread offense has opened up the way we look at the game and doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon.

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