Fan Vote 5A WR of the Year
Vote for the 2022 Texas HS Football Fan Vote 5A WR of the Year
The Top 3 will make our 2022 Fan Vote All-Texas 5A Team.
This poll is for the fans. Vote as often and frequently as you’d like and show support for your player!
*We were limited in nominees and available statistics; if there is a player that had a great year that is not on this list, let us know by emailing their name, school, and stats to [email protected]
2022 Fan Vote 5A WR of the Year
Vote for the 2022 Fan Vote 5A WR of the Year
Top 3 will make our All-Texas Fan Vote 5A Team
*Note: There are a lot of security measures built into the poll to stop any irregular voting, including but not limited to our ability to track and limit IP addresses, vote frequency limitations, option placement variation, and several other security measures. It is common for players to get a group of friends or supporters together, especially if they have a large social media presence, a high school or college sharing the link for them, or a supportive community sending out messages to vote when the poll gets close, and be able to put together thousands of votes per hour, especially in the last day or two of a poll. So, vote often, have fun with it, and show support for the players!
CLICK HERE to listen to the Texas HS Football Podcast, with Taylor Arenz