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Dead Bodies Found Under Football Field

Ja-Mar Roofing & Sheet Metal - Your Premiere Roofing Company and Proud Sponsor of Texas HS Football

Football Is Life… And Death At Gridiron Cemetery

Here’s a spooky Halloween read. Even worse, it’s all real!

High School players at San Saba High School have been playing on a graveyard for nearly 90 years. From 1858-1878, the land was used to bury the dead. By 1878, the county’s commissioner’s court prohibited further use of the area. Then, in 1935, a football field was built, not before families were urged to exhume the bodies. However, some families couldn’t afford it. 

Over the years, tombstones and bones have been discovered beneath the playing surface. Today, there are still believed to be around 50 bodies under the field. For the foreseeable future, the gridiron will likely always be grass as opposed to turf. Because the drainage system for turf requires 5-7 feet, digging would surely disturb the corpses and headstones that lurk beneath. 



CLICK HERE to listen to the Texas HS Football Podcast, with Taylor Arenz

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