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High School

District Takes No Action After Martin-North Crowley Fight

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By: Payton Smith
October 27th, 2016


In a district meeting lead by Arlington ISD Athletic Director Kevin Ozee, a unanimous decision was reached to allow Arlington Martin and North Crowley to handle all disciplinary action after a brawl between the two teams followed last week’s match-up between the two teams. According to a video, Martin players collectively swarmed around a North Crowley player, exchanging kicks. Shortly after that was broken up, a North Crowley player appears to have punched a Martin play, starting the fight up again.

The closed meeting was held Thursday afternoon. While Ozee currently serves as the Football District Chair, Martin High School principal Marlene Roddy previously held the position. Coaches for both teams were in attendance but did not vote or speak on the matter.

According to the Arlington ISD handbook, the fight is classified as ‘group 3 behavior.’ The handbook also includes a list of possible repercussions to address fighting which cites the following:

  • Parent/Administrator conference
  • Peer mediation
  • Loss of privilege to have any telecommunications device on campus
  • Assignment to CHOICES
  • Suspension
  • Emergency removal from school
  • Out of school suspension
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies
  • Restorative practices
  • Any other correction action deemed appropriate by campus

Because the largest part of this list includes suspension in some capacity, the action determined by each principal will be easily determined as both Martin and North Crowley take the field on Friday. The handbook also states that students are not permitted to participate in extracurricular activities while suspended whether on or off campus. The Warriors play Arlington High with playoff contingencies on the line while North Crowley plays at Sam Houston.

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