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A Fight Broke Out After Arlington Martin Recovered A Late Onside Kick Against North Crowley

Photo via Twitter
By: Hunter Cooke
October 22nd, 2016


There really isn’t an excuse to fight on the football field, ever. It’s an emotional game, people put a lot of time and work into it, but at the end of the day, it’s merely a game. For Arlington Martin and North Crowley, it became more than a game for a split second.

Here’s the context: Arlington Martin was up big, then kicked an onside kick and recovered it. They didn’t score off the onside kick. It’s been alleged that both of the sides started the fight. There have been conflicting reports about the origin of the fight.

Obviously, it’s bad form to kick an onside kick up by three scores at the end of the game. On the other hand, it’s really not worth it to fight about it. I honestly don’t know everything that exactly happened to lead up to this, there are so many angles and so much minutia to this story that I doubt we’ll really have the whole picture.

Regardless, it’s an embarrassing situation for everyone involved.



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Chandler Rogers
Chandler Rogers
8 years ago

This article is misleading the readers to believe that because North Crowley was embarrassed and mad that we started the fight. (Which isn’t true). It was a Martin player who threw the first punch. I know it doesn’t make sense that someone from the winning team would fight. But that is what you get when you have coaches with no class teaching a bunch of impressionable young men. I was on the field when the fight broke out and I could see Martin coaches stand idly by as their players stomped out one of ours. NC coaches fought to keep our players away from the fight. I think you need to evaluate situations more in depth before you post an ignorant article about them.

Hunter Cooke
Hunter Cooke
8 years ago

We were working with the information we had at the time. I’ll happily update it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Cooke

Thank you for updating the article.

8 years ago

This fight started after a N Crowley player has a personal foul for mouthing off to the refs and then another of their players was ejected with 22 seconds left in the game. Should Martin have done an inside kick? No, but that’s what the kids were instructed to do. I don’t know who threw the first punch and it doesn’t matter. But I was there with the N Crowley kid getting stomped and he was on the Martin side of the field. When the Martin coaches pulled their players off of him and he got up, he came back swinging for more. There’s video out there from the other side of the field that shows that kid still being pushed back 20 yards from where that fight was. As for classless coaching, that goes both ways too. The NC coaches were the ones in the refs faces with 22 seconds left. And for the record, I’m not a huge fan of Wager Nation either. I go the games to watch the band.

A concerned parent
A concerned parent
8 years ago

This was a premeditated fight instigated by North Crowley. Crowley players tweeted before the game that they were going to get them after the game. They were verbally threatening the players during the game. The North Crowley coaches were not trying to stop the fight. They were throwing punches at the Martin players.
A north Crowley player assaulted a Martin player by taking his helmet off and hitting the Martin player without a helmet in the head. He could have killed the kid.

8 years ago

Obviously you weren’t at the game. I feel sorry for the Martin players being taught dirty tactics but maybe it’s an apple tree thing…

8 years ago
Reply to  Claudine

I was on the 50 yard line for the whole game. I could hear the Crowley coaches cussing form across the field, even at the refs, and their own players.
Yes things went to far but Martin did not instigate this.
Calling for an onside kick was not right. But neither was calling for times outs in the last minute of the game to stop the clock when your down by three touchdowns.
Yes the game was dirty but fighting over a game is just plain childish.
Coaches are supposed to be molding men not this new generation of childish, selfish, I’m gonna get mine, bunch of brats.
Its time for people on both sides of the field to man up and accept responsibility.

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago
Reply to  Concerned


8 years ago
Reply to  Concerned

Note: The N. Crowley JV team attacked after the game as well. We don’t ever have this problem at our games. Fault = N. Crowley

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago
Reply to  disgusted

Please LIE AGAIN! Your Martin players are ignorant, trifling, and some of them even, little “wanna-be thugs”! Martin players are dirty and talk trash the whole game, saying, and I quote: “On God, we’ll jaw all yall sh**, after the game.” FAULTS is most definitely Martin at ALL levels! We’ve never had a situation like this until Martin.

Spenser Shillam
Spenser Shillam
8 years ago

First off the North Crowley coaches were throwing our guys off the pile not throwing punches. I was on the field when the fight broke out and I witnessed martins head coach Wager throw punches at one of our players. Now as for the player that got his helmet thrown maybe he shouldn’t of thrown the first punch…? You’re probably a martin parent who is trying to defend his/her kid/coaches actions when in fact your team started it and has no class what so ever!

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago

Thank you Spencer for giving this woman some truth!

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago

Absolutely FALSE, try again, please!

A concerned Parent
A concerned Parent
8 years ago

Its obvious you don’t want to hear the truth if your going to delete comments. One sided journalism is bullshit.

Hunter Cooke
Hunter Cooke
8 years ago

There were no comments deleted.

8 years ago

Very poor press to send out a underinformed piece. I was at this game and there was much more leading to up this than an unsportsmanlike onside kick. N Criwley works hard and faced extremely dirty tactics from players, coaches and refs so next time do a little research and don’t just believe “the information you had at the time”.

Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

The fight started when during the traditional line up to shake hands turned ugly when a Martin player hit a North Crowley player across his head. Of course tensions and emotions were high and a large scale brawl ensued. I know for a fact this is what happened because I was there. In the middle of all that were coaches and referees. And even when the Martin coaches finally got control of their team, some of those players were still running up on the Crowley players and the helmets that were off belonged to the North Crowley team. I watched them get away with dirty plays all night. That doesn’t negate that they played better, it accentuates the arrogance and cockiness that Martin has and has always had. It’s a shame that this time it showed in physical form ibstead just leaving it on the field.This isn’t the first time Arlington Martin has been called out for this type of behavior in a sport. A North Crowley player was pulled to the sideline and stomped and kicked. You can find that video on YouTube filmed by a Martin student or fan. So please, let’s get facts and check sources before commenting.

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago
Reply to  Mrs. B

The most accurate statement, thus far! Thank you!

aisha small
aisha small
8 years ago

I attend some Friday night lights games because my daughter is Varsity cheerleader for Bowie HS. I haven’t seen anything like this in my life. The one player that was getting stomped on the side line is horrific. If that was my son I would be looking to press criminal charges. There is a moment in time when situationshe get too far and consequences are needed to ensure these scenarios don’t happen again. We do not want to see this kind of behavior become the norm, and it can if this situation isnt handled properly. Dreams can be shattered by this, scouts could have been in the stands, offers can be taken off the table…. these kids need to know that 1 mistake can cause a lifetime of regret!

Tina Sepmoree
Tina Sepmoree
8 years ago

I see no comments about the two kickers for Martin that were attacked at half time by the North Crowley team – while their coaches stood and did nothing. My husband and son were standing at the fence and watched that happen with their own eyes.

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago
Reply to  Tina Sepmoree

That DID NOT happen, please inform us on the game YOU attended!!

Tina Sepmoree
Tina Sepmoree
8 years ago

Ask the officials, they broke up the altercation during the North Crowley band’s halftime show. It was in the North End zone, visitor’s side. The kickers were warming up like they do every week when they were attacked. One of the Martin coaches was there. Not sure if any of the North Crowley coaches were there.

8 years ago

Very very disappointing! All adults involved need to go to intense training on how to be a role model and mentor to our youth!

Ms. C
Ms. C
8 years ago

Martin has a reputation for this kind of behavior, unfortunately. Last spring at a basketball game played at Martin HS, the NCHS players and cheerleaders had to be escorted by police to their buses because the Martin crowd was being so hostile. The student crowd was yelling insults to the NC coach the whole night and not one teacher or administrator told them to stop. It is unfortunate that this culture has been established at their school.

Micah Washington
Micah Washington
8 years ago

For as long as I’ve known of Martin, I’ve known them to be a very dirty and nasty team. They really just showed their butts at the Freshmen, JV, and Varsity games. Don’t think for a minute that you’ll get away with stomping on someone, WITH THEIR HELMET OFF, how dumb, and ignorant are you?? The way some of the Martin players acted showed very strongly how they were raised. NOT necessarily all but some, maybe even MOST, raised SPOILED, IGNORANT, AND HATEFUL!

Tired of Micas Lies
Tired of Micas Lies
8 years ago

Your a moron.

Tired of the Lies!
Tired of the Lies!
8 years ago

Lol, please! Tired of your ignorance, you imbecile

Tired of the Lies!
Tired of the Lies!
8 years ago

Obviously not the brightest either, spelled my name incorectly, when it was clear before you. Secondly, if it were true it would be, “You’re a moron.”

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