10. Calhoun Fighting Sand Crabs.
This sand crab is just happy to be here.
9. Stephen F. Austin Maroons.
Still not really sure what it is, but he does look really fluffy and cute!
If they are just the set of antlers and not an animal with antlers wouldn’t that mean they were hunted down?
This just seems like a really angry guy going around smashing rocks. Weird for a mascot but at least it is intimidating a little.
6. Roscoe Plowboys
Yes they sound hard working, but intimidating? Not so much.
5. Robstown Cotton Pickers
I bet they have a Rootin’ Tootin’ Cotton Pickin’ good time on Friday nights!
4. Amarillo Sandies
Apparently sand storms are hard to illustrate.
3. New Braunfels Unicorns
I bet saying “my son plays for a mythical creature” is awkward yet entertaining especially if the person you are talking to has no idea what you’re talking about.
2. Winters Blizzards
What is he surprised about?
1. Sidney Lanier Voks
This gets #1 because it was so crazy I had to Google it. They are a big blue gear for their vocational school.