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Baylor Cited For Recruiting Violations By NCAA

Baylor Under ‘Ongoing, Pending’ NCAA Investigation

Photo via Gordon DeLoach,

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The NCAA has issued a $5,000 fine and a public reprimand and censure for two Baylor assistant football coaches in connection with recruiting violations.

The investigation is not related to the to the sexual assault scandal that has surrounded the Baylor football program over the last several months.

Assistant coaches Kendal Briles and Tate Wallis were suspended for one game back in 2015 and were prohibited from off-campus recruiting for 12 weeks after impermissible evaluations and contacts with two prospects.

The NCAA made their report available to the public on Wednesday. In their report, the NCAA found that the two assistants committed Level II violations (on a scale of I to IV, with I being the most serious). According to that same report, coaches attended track meets to “be seen” by the two prospects but did not officially count the visits so it would not go against the overall number of in-person evaluations.

Baylor athletic director Mack Rhoades issued a statement saying in part that “Baylor University accepts the outcome” of the NCAA investigation.

Briles and Wallis will coach the Bears in the Motel 6 Cactus Bowl on Dec. 27 in Phoenix.

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