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Cy Springs Safety Leon O’Neal Continues To Be Good At Twitter

Cy Springs Safety Leon O'Neal

Photo via 247 Sports


Recruits using twitter can either be a moderately good or extremely bad thing. They can completely alienate members of a fanbase, or exasperatingly try to play both sides of a recruiting battle, or simply grift followers off people who want them to go to their school. The best (and sometimes the strangest) things happen after they commit though.

Cy Springs safety Leon O’Neal is confident in his abilities and his team, to say the least. He combined his confidence, his social media savvy, and some pretty standard twitter banter to execute a solid Twitter burn of the Longhorns.

Just in case you weren’t aware, Texas lost to Kansas last year. Kansas has been the butt of Big 12 jokes for a while now, and it was inevitable that whoever they eventually beat would get roasted for a full offseason. Solid joke, Leon.


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