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Turn Your Negative Mentality Into a Positive One To Achieve Greatness

By Brandon Evans

Too often I hear people say, “I can’t do that”, before they make an attempt at a given task. They either have no confidence in their ability or are afraid to fail. Both excuses are unacceptable.

I also see people give up after one or two failed attempts. What happened to the, “I will stay here until I get this right” mentality? How can you expect to get better at something without practicing?

Jerry Rice once said, “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t”. 

This quote helps me in all facets of life. Greatness is a mindset; it’s a way of life. Ask any professional athlete if their road to the big show was easy, they will tell you NO! Start taking pride in the way you go about your business. Visualize your success and stop accepting failure. Instead, learn from failure. Tell yourself I CAN, AND I WILL!


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